Department Board

Department Board
Prof. Dr. Eylem TÜTÜN YÜMİN                                      
Head of Department
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ömer Osman PALA Deputy Head of Department
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Sezen TEZCAN Deputy Head of Department
Prof. Dr. Eylem TÜTÜN YÜMİN                  Head of Department of Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation                                            
Doç. Dr. Tamer ÇANKAYA                Head of Department of Orthopedic Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ramazan KURUL Head of Department of Neurological Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 
Doç. Dr. Şebnem AVCI Head of Department of Geriatric Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 
Student Gizem Nur KONUŞ Department Board Student Representative